About Carole Pentony, Ph.D

Dr. Pentony currently practices psychotherapy with individuals. She previously worked with couples, children, and schools, as well. When a client meets with Dr. Pentony for the first time, desired changes are discussed and a treatment plan developed. Dr. Pentony reviews how the treatment works, and the expected time needed. Dr. Pentony’s therapy includes but is not limited to methods from the solution-focused, cognitive-behavioral, person-centered, and mindfulness approaches. Therapy is individualized and integrative. She has experience with clients from numerous ethnic groups and cultures.

In addition, Dr. Pentony is certified in Focusing, a wisdom awareness process that is based in the body and available to anyone. She provides individual Focusing sessions as well as training in Experiential Focusing. She has used Focusing with clients ranging in age from six to eighty-nine.

Dr. Pentony is also an Integral Wellness Coach.

Dr. Pentony was on the faculty for over 20 years at Baylor College of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and also at the University of St. Thomas in the Psychology Department. Her doctoral degree is from The University of Texas at Austin.

Dr. Pentony offers the following services:

  • Individual Therapy
  • Experiential Focusing Sessions
  • Focusing Training
  • Coaching for Life
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